And now, for something completely different
This is actually a family blog. I just happen to be the family member who posts most often. While my posts tend to be mainly about my family and the challenges of raising a boy with autism, I post whatever interests me. Darrell Dow is and online friend of mine who will be traveling to Sri Lanka at the end of this month to promote the efforts of World Vision there. (I have some unusual friends.) Since 1953, World Vision has been helping children and adults around the world both with disaster relief as well as longer-term economic and child sponsorship programs.
This guest post comes to you courtesy of Darrell Dow, who writes over at
Want to take a trip with me to an exotic place halfway around the world? On August 23rd I'll be leaving for the exotic island nation of Sri Lanka with a group of World Vision Bloggers and I'd love for you to come with us! Each day this bunch of talented writers, bloggers, and storytellers will be telling the story of Sri Lanka and how sponsoring children through World Vision changes lives there. The greatest part of this trip is that you don't have to leave your desk. I'll be happy to deal with all the shots, passports, airports, jet lag and language barriers -- all you have to do is tag along by visiting my blog at In the meantime feel free to check out my World Vision page and learn all about how child sponsorship works.
This guest post comes to you courtesy of Darrell Dow, who writes over at
Want to take a trip with me to an exotic place halfway around the world? On August 23rd I'll be leaving for the exotic island nation of Sri Lanka with a group of World Vision Bloggers and I'd love for you to come with us! Each day this bunch of talented writers, bloggers, and storytellers will be telling the story of Sri Lanka and how sponsoring children through World Vision changes lives there. The greatest part of this trip is that you don't have to leave your desk. I'll be happy to deal with all the shots, passports, airports, jet lag and language barriers -- all you have to do is tag along by visiting my blog at In the meantime feel free to check out my World Vision page and learn all about how child sponsorship works.
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